
Total Life Overhaul!

I have always been an active person and love to exercise.

My ‘problem’ and what ultimately led me to taking part in and completing the Body Blitz is that my body did not reflect my daily level of activity, it did not accurately reflect the person I believed myself to be. Not only was I bingeing on lollies, chocolate, biscuits and chips, but I was also drinking way too much alcohol and way too often.

Having recently being diagnosed as having a form of depression, I was hiding behind the haze of food and wine and pretending I was Ok.

During my program I was able to shift the focus from losing fat, to gaining a healthy mindset and approach to all aspects of my life. I didn’t want to just end this challenge at my goal weight, but rather with a healthier body and a happier mind & I can proudly say, I did!

Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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Understanding Food Labels: What to Look For?

General | Publish on Jun 2, 2023

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Dr. Mark Dawson

Software Engineer

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