Post Baby Weight Loss

Post Baby Weight Loss

A Journey to Health After Baby After the birth of my second child, I found myself at my heaviest weight ever, having gained 20kg during pregnancy. I felt awful and knew it was time for a change. When my baby was 10 weeks old, I decided I was ready to take control and...
Total Life Overhaul!

Total Life Overhaul!

I have always been an active person and love to exercise. My ‘problem’ and what ultimately led me to taking part in and completing the Body Blitz is that my body did not reflect my daily level of activity, it did not accurately reflect the person I believed myself to...
14.3kg GONE IN 12 WEEKS!

14.3kg GONE IN 12 WEEKS!

A BIG Congratulations to Kelsi! Kelsi has been training with us for the past three months and has achieved an incredible 14.3kg weight loss. Here’s what Kelsi had to say about her journey: 1. What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program? Nothing seemed to...
Belinda lost 8.4kg in 12 Weeks & Feels Fantastic!

Belinda lost 8.4kg in 12 Weeks & Feels Fantastic!

A HUGE Shout Out to Belinda! I just received Belinda’s after photos from her 12 Week Online Coaching Program, and WOW! She has made some incredible changes! When I first received Belinda’s questionnaire, I was quite surprised by how much sugar she consumed and thought...

Understanding Food Labels: What to Look For?

General | Publish on Jun 2, 2023

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Dr. Mark Dawson

Software Engineer

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