
From size 16 to losing 16kg!

I’m so proud of Cindy. I had the pleasure of training her last night and to see how far she has come was AMAZING!

Not only has she lost 16kg but she is SO STRONG & FIT.

Cindy started out with us not being able to squat without having a bench behind her and barely being able to do a step up. Now you can throw any training at her and she’ll give it a go and look great doing it. Cindy has reached her goal and now spending time learning how to maintain it. She invested the time and money into herself and the rewards are so worth it!

Read Cindy’s story here: 

What was your goal when you originally signed up?

My goal was to lose the 15kg I had put on and get back to a healthy weight.  I also wanted to feel healthy.

Why was this important?

Carrying the extra weight really made me feel uncomfortable, I felt that if I didn’t do anything the weight would keep creeping up and my health would suffer.

How long had you had this goal?

Probably for about 5 years. Once I hit 83kg in January 2016 I thought this has to change.

What were the top 1-2 things that held you back from achieving your goal?

Lack of knowledge on weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet were the two things that held me back from achieving the weight loss I was after.  I always thought time was a reason but I think that was just an excuse rather than a reason.  I also have a herniated disc in my neck and always thought any exercise would aggravate it but again that turned out to be an excuse rather than a reason.

What had you tried to get to your goal before?

I had tried diets from diet shakes to frozen diet meals in the last 5 years but never really kept the weight off successfully, I always put back on whatever I lost.

 What originally prompted you to seek us out?

My weight had increased so much that I felt uncomfortable, unattractive and most of all unhealthy.   Most of my life I have been able to eat whatever I wanted and not put on weight but with getting a little older my body has changed and putting weight on became very easy.

At the time you enrolled, were you already exercising? What was your previous background in fitness?

I was doing no exercise at all when I first started at Get Active Personal Training. I did do a little bit of walking but it wasn’t really enough to make a difference to my weight.

When you originally signed up what was your first goal?

My first goal was to lose weight, but once I started to exercise I also wanted to increase my fitness and strength because I could see it was making a positive difference in how I felt.

Where you more driven to solve a problem or achieve a goal?

Once I started to exercise and started to see the results this really helped to keep me motivated to keep on exercising.  My trainer also helped me to understand that diet plays a huge role and how to combine different foods to achieve the best results.

How were you feeling about your weight at that time you enrolled?

I felt very overwhelmed about my weight when I first started at Get Active, I was embarrassed that I had let myself put on the weight.  I hated trying on clothes in the shops because I was starting to shop for size 16 clothes, I had never been this size before and wasn’t happy with myself at all.

Now that you achieved your weight loss has your view of yourself changed?
I feel so much more confident, friends and family have been commenting on my weight loss and how healthy I look.  I energy levels have increased and now I am not walking but running for exercise.

How do you feel about your future?

I feel very positive about the future and now look forward to exercising to increase my fitness and strength levels.

What have you liked best about working with us?
I really like the personal service I receive at Getactive, you don’t just become a member of a gym but rather you become a member of a community with common goals and ideas.  The personal training sessions are always challenging and keep me accountable.  Signing up to do personal training is the best decision I have ever made. I have also liked the nutrition advice and have done food diaries to get advice on how to refine my diet to achieve the best outcomes.

What would you say to someone sitting on the fence about joining our program?

I would say just do it, it may be scary at first but it is so rewarding.  It will be hard work but the benefits make you feel amazing.  Set yourself achievable goals and when you have achieved them set another set of goals.

BIG THANKS to Cindy for joining our team and investing in yourself! You’re awesome! 

Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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