
I have more confidence in the way I handle myself now

I joined Get Active Online with a goal in mind—to get fit and lose a few kilos in the process. Hilde gave me the best advice and was there throughout the entire 12-week challenge. The biggest change for me was the food I was eating every day. Hilde provided the insight I needed, and I was able to achieve a more desirable image of myself.

I have more confidence in the way I handle myself now, and the whole process has helped me in other areas of my life. Being able to push myself further feels amazing, especially with a better understanding of food and exercise.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Hilde, my husband, and my kids (who had to eat every healthy dinner I made) for all their support. I am so glad I was able to share this journey with them. Thank you!

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person.

Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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Understanding Food Labels: What to Look For?

General | Publish on Jun 2, 2023

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