
I Lost 10kg, 10cm from Waist, 12cm from Hips & 9cm from Each Thigh!

I joined Get Active with the goal of shedding a few kilos and becoming fitter and healthier before my 30th birthday. I wasn’t terribly overweight, so my plan was to tone up and lose about 5-6kg.

Working in a busy café/restaurant, exercise was usually the last thing on my mind after being on my feet all day. Plus, a serious back injury I suffered five years ago had limited me from running and certain exercises that could impact my spine.

But my biggest hurdle was my eating. When Hilde pointed out how badly I was treating my body with the food I was eating, I was shocked. I always tried to eat healthily, but I was only having one decent meal a day while snacking on junk food and coffee throughout the day. I was playing games with my metabolism that I wasn’t going to win.

I decided that if I was going to commit to the 12-week challenge, it had to be all or nothing. From day one, I made massive changes to my routine and cleaned up my nutrition. I never skipped another meal and cut out alcohol, sweets, and treats. I was fortunate to have my own weight bench and gym setup in my garage, so I could work out whenever it suited me, without being restricted by gym hours. I also started running, something I had never been good at before, and something doctors and physiotherapists doubted I could do without pain. It was tough at first, and I could barely manage 1km, but I didn’t give up. Within 2-3 weeks, I was running further and feeling more comfortable. I even challenged myself by climbing hills and dirt tracks, running between 8 and 10km almost every day.

By week 5, I had already lost over 5kg, and my diet and exercise regime were stricter than ever. I realised I could achieve far more than I originally set out to do, especially considering I was not even halfway through the program.

I hadn’t weighed less than 60kg for about 15 years and didn’t think it was possible, but as I continued, the weight just kept coming off.


As the weeks went by, my friends and co-workers started noticing changes in both my attitude and appearance. Most people were very supportive, though I did struggle with the fact that not drinking alcohol seemed to be an issue for some of my friends. This made me realize I didn’t need alcohol to go out, socialize, or have a great time. I had to stop worrying about what others thought of my choices. This was my journey, not theirs.

My determination to complete the 12 weeks only grew stronger. Of course, things didn’t always go as planned. Working in a café that serves cakes, coffee, and ice cream tested my willpower more than once. There were moments when I caved, picking at bits of cake and ice cream, and I felt guilty—as if I was cheating on myself. But I pushed myself harder during training to make up for those slip-ups and got back on track for a nearly perfect final two weeks.

By the end of the program, I had lost 10cm from my waist, 12cm from my hips, 9cm from each thigh, and an incredible 10kg in bodyweight.


What started as a simple decision to sign up for a program to improve my fitness and appearance turned into a complete transformation of my body and lifestyle.

I didn’t have high expectations going into this challenge, and I think that was my biggest advantage. I wasn’t striving for an unachievable idea of the “perfect body” because I never believed my body was meant to be skinny. Instead, I took every day as a new day, every workout as a new challenge, and every Monday weigh-in as a small victory.

A huge thank you to Hilde—I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your fantastic support and the program.

*DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person.

Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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