
I lost 15kg in just 14 Weeks!

Growing up, I was a competitive person who enjoyed all things sport. I played netball, gymnastics, short-distance running, and anything else that was offered.

After marrying my husband and having two wonderful children, I suppose I let myself go.


Why? I don’t really know. Life seemed so much easier when I ignored my health. Within a two-year period, I gained 20 kilos and pretended not to see it. My clothes increased by two sizes, and my eating and drinking habits were terrible.

Every Monday, I promised myself I would do something about it. This had been going on for about 12 months.

In early June 2014, a flyer appeared in my letterbox offering a four-week boot camp. I instantly threw it away—it wasn’t my cup of tea, and I didn’t feel ready emotionally to face my weight and eating problems.

A few days passed, another Monday promise broken, and I realised I needed help. So, I contacted Get Active Online and made an appointment to meet with Hilde. After an hour of discussing my goals, we agreed on a six-month personal training plan.

Fourteen weeks have now passed—a lot of blood, sweat, and some words that shouldn’t be repeated—and I am well on my way.


Hilde has helped me build strength and understand what my body needs to perform at its best. She has been an incredible inspiration and has also become a trusted friend. All my friends and family have noticed amazing changes in my weight, attitude, and overall happiness.


I plan to keep working hard, setting small, achievable goals, and maintaining my new healthy lifestyle. Thank you, Hilde, for your expertise, motivation, and friendship.

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person.

Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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