
Increased Confidence to Hit the Stage!

I started out my program quite determined to lose the few kilos that I had put on. Although I was by no means overweight, I just didn’t like what I saw in the mirror and my self-esteem was on the decline.

I have always been very motivated in the gym and loved running but I had become bored with exercise, was lacking any structure and was eating food I normally didn’t even enjoy.

I decided to take control, set a goal and get a personal trainer – someone that could tell me I was going off track when I slipped up, someone to answer to and best of all, someone to do all the thinking for me. That’s when I found Hilde.

The meal plans she made for me were perfect. They were balanced, there was no ridiculous deprivation of particular foods, it was enough to sustain my energy and it wasn’t constricting. The workouts were effective, tough but realistic and I immediately saw results. No kidding, IMMEDIATELY.


Not only did I start to get back into training hard at the gym and eating right, but I set myself some affirmations to change the way my mind thought about food and more importantly the way I thought about myself.

About a month in to my program, I came across a competition in Oxygen magazine for their cover girl and decided that moment that it would be my ultimate goal. I was going to get into my bikini and let everyone see…a scary thought and not one I would have normally entertained. I got through my program and had the photos booked and ready to go.

I won’t lie, it was by no means an easy road. The hardest part for me was staying away from all the delicious home baked sweets and deserts when I was out at a restaurant. But, I am so proud of myself and the results I achieved and am now training to enter the INBA Miss Figure competition next year….something I would NEVER have had the confidence to do before I began my training with Hilde.

*DISCLAIMER Results may vary from person to person

Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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Understanding Food Labels: What to Look For?

General | Publish on Jun 2, 2023

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