Real, Raw and Unfiltered

A Reminder to Find Balance


Sometimes, life can be tough. It can feel downright hard, and it takes every bit of your strength to stay positive and keep moving forward.

Well, that was me last week.

I think it all just got too much. After a year of dealing with breast cancer treatment and all the hospital appointments that come with it, I finally had one week of ‘getting back into it.’ For the first time in a long while, I nearly felt normal again. I was eating well, back into my exercise routine.

I was on fire… then…

I was instructing at Bootcamp, not even doing any exercises, and I slipped. Yep, that simple. My hamstring went. The moment it happened, I knew it wasn’t good. The pain shot all the way down my leg and right into my glute. I couldn’t move. I just laid on the ground with an ice pack for the rest of the session while the bootcampers kept doing their thing and powering through.

It hit me: I wasn’t going to be able to do much for a while.


Sorry, but that’s the only way to describe it. I had been doing everything in my power to stay positive, to combat the shitty side effects of the medication I’m on, and there I was, lying on the ground thinking, “Are you fucking serious?”

Anyway, I got up, managed to get home, and spent the week mostly on the couch and in my office chair, hardly moving.

It was a tough week. Without my exercise, the side effects of the medication felt worse. Without much movement, I struggled to stay positive. Without my usual positive mindset, eating well became hard. I just felt like crying.

It was a massive reminder of why I got into fitness and why I built Get Active Online.

I can’t describe how amazing eating well and exercising makes me FEEL.

But going through this journey has made me realise there’s so much more to great health. Trying to eat well and exercise on top of a crappy lifestyle is like trying to put a band-aid on a big open wound. It just doesn’t work. It’s like taking a ton of supplements, hoping they’ll fix everything.

After my fall, I realised I HAD to rest. I was instructed to take Epsom salt baths and, above all, I had to RELAX.

This might sound good, but for someone who FEELS better when they move, it’s a challenge.

Laying around felt uncomfortable. I just wanted to do stuff.

Then I realised: this is one massive area I need to work on.

I’ve read all the books. I know how crappy stress is. I know the effects stress has on health. But have I really made enough changes in my life to make a difference?

I can’t answer that, but I know I can do more.

Now, I’m not saying we should all lay around all the time, because exercise and nutrition are also vital for optimal health. But the key is FINDING A BALANCE.

So, this is what I’m doing.


Every day, I’m focusing on:

  • Including a relaxing activity (this might be a bath – who knows, I might become a bath person!), reading, or simply sitting outside in the sun for 30 minutes, catching up with a friend.
  • Including nutrient-dense food in my diet. REAL FOOD! I’ll also focus on improving my gut health.
  • Including activity that challenges my muscles and cardiovascular system, making me feel better afterwards (not exhausted).
  • Getting 8 hours of sleep.
  • Drinking lots of water.
  • Eating my meals AWAY from a screen (no more lunch at my desk).

It’s not rocket science, but for many of us, it can be hard, as it requires effort. It requires a change in lifestyle. But I’m excited to make these changes because my mission is to be truly healthy, feel energetic, and vibrant again.

It’s been a while…

So, here I am. In some ways, I feel like I’m starting over on my health journey.

The good news is I have a ton of knowledge and know there is no fad or quick fix – it’s about FINDING WHAT WORKS FOR ME.

Remember, it’s never too late to change.

  • If you’re killing yourself in a job that would replace you in a flash – LEAVE.
  • If you’re not happy with how you look, make changes to improve your diet and just start moving more.
  • If you’re not around people who inspire and lift you up, find a new tribe!

One amazing part of life is that we ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE.


We have a choice in the decisions we make and a choice in how we respond.

Make great choices, and you’ll instantly improve the quality of your life!

Today, my choice was to get back in the gym and exercise again. I did upper body exercises, and it FELT AMAZING. It was so good, I cried. That’s why I exercise.

This afternoon, I’m going shopping with my little man, and I’ll also have a bath and do some reading.

Feels good already.

Have an amazing day, and remember: it’s never, ever too late to improve your lifestyle and become the person you want to be.


Hilde - Online Fitness Coach

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General | Publish on Jun 2, 2023

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Dr. Mark Dawson

Software Engineer